
Planet Positive Event (PPE AAT)

Planet Positive Event is a revolutionary holistic digital tool, designed for event organisers, that digitises and fully automates the event sustainability assessment process, combining a cutting-edge carbon footprint calculator, objective criteria for sustainable events, a data-driven certification system and external assessment following the ESRS Standards for sustainable reporting as well as all other industry-relevant standards. More

monitor showing PPE AAT tool

Cross-Re-Tour AAT

Self-assessment tool to evaluate current and future readiness towards the green and digital transition of the SMEs. The tool was developed in seven different languages within the Cross-Re-Tour project (COSME), including 39 questions through which respondents assess their strategic orientation and innovation capabilities, and in the end receive personalized recommendations for their green and digital journey onwards. More

Monitor showing Cross-Re-Tour AAT tool

Digital Readiness Index (DRI)

Self-assessment to measure digital readiness of tourism SMEs, developed in seven languages within the Tourbit project (COSME). Through 44 questions, respondents are tested on the technology usage and capacity of  their organisation. Based on the results, tourism SMEs participate in prospective courses, joint creation workshops and other activities adapted to their digital maturity. More

Digital Readiness Index tool on a laptop screen

Smart Destinations Index (SDI)

Developed within the EU flagship project Smart Tourism Destinations,the aim of SDI is to help tourism destinations understand and identify their own strengths and areas for improvement in their “smart tourism” approach. Based on the results of 49 questions, 49 selected tourism destinations around Europe are trained to develop goals and strategies for the future. More

Smart Destinations Index tool on a laptop screen

SME’s Digital Maturity

In cooperation with the Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) Slovenia, an AAT tool with 34 questions was customised to assess the Digital Maturity of Slovenian SMEs. The goal of the DIH Slovenia is to help SMEs to identify the added value of the use of digital technologies, raise their competitive advantages and support them in digital innovation processes. More

SME’s Digital Maturity tool on a laptop screen

Tourism Impact Model

Tourism Impact Model (TIM) is an award-winning tool using real data to create an objective picture of the impact of tourism in a certain micro-location. It is one of the Tourism 4.0 technology pillars and with 300+ indicators, it is currently the most complex and refined use of the AAT tool. It analyses several societal aspects: environment, economy, culture and even collaboration. It also acts as a digital twin of a tourist destination which allows data-driven strategic planning aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. More

Tourism Impact Model tool on a laptop screen

Environmental, Social and Governmental AAT

This assessment was specifically developed to measure the sustainability performance and ESG orientation of SMEs. With 36 questions, it is available in both English and a localised Slovenian version that was developed and deployed in cooperation with the Slovene Enterprise Fund. More

Environmental, Social and Governmental AAT on a laptop screen

HPC4SME Assessment Tool

HPC4SME AAT, developed within the project and upgraded within the EuroCC project, is used to assess the potential and readiness of European SMEs to adopt High-Performance Computing (HPC) and cloud computing. With 35 questions, the tool offers SMEs the opportunity to discover if and how an organisation can benefit from supercomputing services. This also helps HPC centres and other stakeholders to identify SMEs with potential, and stimulate the adoption of cloud HPC services. More

HPCSME Assessment Tool on a laptop screen